Rope Access Tips, Tricks & Chats
Getting up-to-date information on rope access can be hard.... Every week Leigh Greenwood will share some tips and tricks, and invite guests for a chat about everything rope access. If you're involved in rope access or interested in it, this show is for you!
125 episodes
Hanging haul
How did the hanging haul become a thing? This week we have a look at how we ended up in the roof of a training centre, hauling one of our mates to the roof. To then send him back to the ground. Is this a real situation? ...
Season 3
Episode 1

Spark or a Rig, what would you use.
This week we have a chat about the main differences between the Petzl Rig and the Skylotec Spark. Which one would you use?If you would like to buy me a coffee, click the link below. buymeacoffee.com/rattac
Season 2
Episode 11

Just Get It Done, Rope Access Challenge
This week we sit down with Andre Quinn from Just Get It Done and chat about the rope access challenge.Where did the idea come from?What’s it like to organise the first rope access competition in Australia?Where is it heading?
Season 2
Episode 10

Answering some questions we have been asked.
This week we answer a few questions we have been asked, no particular order or topic, but some very interesting questions. Some of the answers may surprise you.
Season 2
Episode 9

Hoisting on a Grillion. Can you do this?
This week we take a dive into some of the uses that Petzl say you can use a Grillion for. Big question is, can you hoist on it? If you like what we do here you can buy me a coffee. ...
Season 2
Episode 8

Is IRATA changing the age limit for courses?
This week we have a chat about the age limit on doing you level 1.The noise on the street is that IRATA has been looking at a change. What would be the knock on affects if this was to happen? what would be the benefits and what would be the...
Season 2
Episode 7

Harness through the years
This week we have a look at how my harness has changed over 25 years.What did I have on my harness in the late 90's and what has changed to today. Which bits of kit have lasted the test of time, what have i moved onto, and what do I miss.
Season 2
Episode 6

Harken Multi Ascender
This week we take a look at the new Harken Multi Ascender.Could this be the new direction for a chest ascender, can we now call it a point of connection, once and for all?I love the way Harken are bring tried and tested sailing tech...
Season 2
Episode 5

Edelrid Fuse v Petzl ASAP
This week we have a look at the new Edelrid Fuse and compare it to the Petzl ASAP.It has been a long time coming, but has another manufacture designed an auto following back up device that works better than the ASAP?Have a listen ...
Season 2
Episode 4

The French connection with the Lebanese introduction.
It's time to have a chat about another fun rescue when you are on your next IRATA course or when having a play in a training centre.This is another rescue along the lines of the Singapore special. Trying to tick as many level 3 assessment b...
Season 2
Episode 3

Level 3 online exam
This week we chat about the new level 3 online exam, Im sure you all have lots of questions and would like to know how it is set up and what's involved.Have a listen and we will break down how it is set up and what you can do to prepare for...
Season 2
Episode 2

We are back season 2
Hi Everyone,We are back!, we have been on a break for a while, but now we are back.Its time to to have some more tips, tricks and chats.Have a listen on what's been going on and what we have planned for this season.
Season 2
Episode 1

Steel or aluminium karabiners. What do you use?
This week we have a look at which type of karabiners we use. Are you team Ally or Steel?why do some people say you can't use Ally karabiners in heavy industry?That shape karabiners should you use?
Season 1
Episode 112

Auto locking or Screw locking Karabiners, what's your preferred?
This week we carry on with our chats about the connector that keeps us safe, Karabiners.What's your preferred locking system Auto or Screw? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both of them?This week we take a look at why you wo...
Season 1
Episode 111

Pole straps, how can we use them?
This week we look at the common pole straps and how we use them in rope access, what the difference and what do you get extra for the money.
Season 1
Episode 110

Karabiners, Do they all have to be done up?
This week we chat about the karabiners we use and do they need to be done up?The one on your footloop? how about the one on a pulley in a hauling system?We discuss them all and if its undone is it a discrepancy on assessment day?
Season 1
Episode 109

What can I learn before i sit my IRATA level 1?
So you are keen to get ahead before you turn up for your level 1 course, this week we give you some tips of things to learn and try and understand before you turn up on day one.If you have friends who are thinking of getting into rope acces...
Season 1
Episode 108

RSI in the elbow.
Time to talk about the elephant in the room on every IRATA course. Hands up if you have ever suffered from repetitive strain injury (RSI) or occasional overuse syndrome (OOS). Yep that pain in the elbow after a long ascent, long ...
Season 1
Episode 107

Powered Ascenders,
This week we have a look at some of the Powered Ascenders that are available on the market.We chat about what's the difference is between them, why choose one over another and how we have worked with them.
Season 1
Episode 106

Chat with Mikey Reid
This week we are having a chat with Mikey Reid, from the outskirts of Aberdeen as a professional boxer and trainer, he got a tip to get a rope ticket, how will a roofers son go with 2 points? How did that get him to Australia?...
Season 1
Episode 105

Tips for your first IRATA course.
Booked in for your IRATA level 1? Or thinking of getting into rope access. This week we cover the things you can practice and look into before the course and some tips of what not to do during the week.
Season 1
Episode 104

Using the ASAP in a rescue part 2
Seems we still had some unanswered questions about when and how we use the Asap in a rescue situation .If you missed the first part go have a listen only a few weeks back.Let us know how you use the ASAP in rigging of ropes.
Season 1
Episode 103

When and why did we start using two ropes?
This week is 100 weekly episodes, thank you for coming on this journey into all things rope access.We thought now would be a good time to chat about how we ended up on 2 ropes rather than one. This story might surprise you.
Season 1
Episode 102